PUR: Know Your Water
With water quality issues on the rise, we wanted to help people understand what’s in the water coming out of their tap. Using water quality data, we built a Water Bar that served actual drinking water from across the U.S. All water contained various contaminants at safe levels. The stunt showed that real people react strongly when told about contaminants in water even at levels deemed safe.
We then created an interactive journey of water from source to tap that shows what’s in your actual drinking water based on local municipality data from across the U.S.
While public water systems constantly monitor the quality of their water and the results are sent to consumers, they’re not always easy to find or understand. This site is the first of its kind to collect water reports from across the U.S. in one place and present the realities of local contaminants and the importance of having the right water filter in an easy-to-understand way.